Lost In Time is a collaboration with the Museum in the Park in Stroud, Gloucestershire, focusing on the large and eclectic stored collection not on public display - exploring the beautiful, the slightly unsavoury and the frankly bizarre. The objects have been pulled from their natural time-line and denied their inevitable disintegration and reintegration with the earth. Instead, they have been preserved and stored, awaiting a new purpose. These images offer a window into the surreal, unexpected world that the objects have found themselves in - experiencing a strange and rambling immortality.

“These images unsettle the orderliness of the collections and their relationship to scientific truth. Rather, they evoke the authentic disorderliness of lived reality. Theo wants to arrest our attention, to make us look again at these things. He wants to reveal them in all their detail, highlighting their core components of shape, texture and colour. But In creating these images he isn’t simply making an accurate representation of the world, he also wants to draw our attention to its strangeness, to make us alert to the richness of the world around us.” Dr. Paul Harper




Dying Flowers